C1-2024 is out! 🚀

C1-2024 is out! 🚀
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!
The API call ​DELETE /organizations/{orgId}​ was added to the ​Developer Portal​ because the API call ​DELETE /organization/{orgId}​​, is being deprecated. The ​DELETE /organization/{orgId}​ will be removed with the deployment on March 4, 2024. Users should use the ​DELETE /organizations/{orgId}​​ API call to avoid problems with their integration.
Partners can now create up to 100 users, increased from 50 users.
Partners can save time searching with a partial IMEI number in the ​Devices​​, ​Device Health​​, and ​Device Alarms​ areas.
and more!
Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed:
In the Knowledge Base
In the Developer portal changelog
In the Partner portal
This notice was delivered to Lytx partners.
For more information, speak with us here
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