Copyright © Partner, 06 Mar 2023 18:55:27 GMT (Partner) (Noticeable Team) Updates, 06 Mar 2023 18:41:53 (Ron Flynn)New sales recorded webinar available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center’re excited to announce that the webinar recorded on Feb.2 28, 2023, Using video telematics to identify and mitigate risk, is now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center: Identifying and mitigating risk is top of mind for fleet...We’re excited to announce that the webinar recorded on Feb.2 28, 2023, Using video telematics to identify and mitigate risk, is now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center:

Identifying and mitigating risk is top of mind for fleet and risk managers.  In this webinar Jeff Martin, Lytx VP of Global Strategy, and former head of safety at Waste Management, will discuss risk, how to identify and measure success in eliminating risk, and how to get driver buy-in to video telematics technology.  In addition, we will help you understand how to use video telematics data to identify risk in customer fleets.  

The webinar is located in the Level 200 - Recorded Webinars - Global section of the Surfsight Sales Learning Center. Contact your PSM for access to the learning center if needed.

You can find new and coming sales courses here

Access the entire learning course catalog here

For more information about the Surfsight Sales Learning Center, contact Ron Flynn at

Click the button below to access the Surfsight Sales Learning Center (SSLC). Scroll to locate the courses.

AnnouncementSales Enablement Announcement
UNR7WXXekJkIgZYgLH82Fri, 07 Oct 2022 15:20:00 (Ron Flynn)New sales recorded webinar available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center’re excited to announce that the webinar recorded on Oct. 5, 2022, How Surfsight™ configuration options address customer needs, is now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center: In this webinar, you will learn about the value of...We’re excited to announce that the webinar recorded on Oct. 5, 2022, How Surfsight™ configuration options address customer needs, is now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center:

In this webinar, you will learn about the value of the Surfsight camera’s configuration options to address various customer needs, a substantial competitive advantage for us. Hear our configuration expert and regional sales leaders address the customer value of the configuration options presented.

The webinar is located in the Level 200 - Recorded Webinars - Global section of the Surfsight Sales Learning Center. Contact your PSM for access to the learning center if needed.

You can find new and coming sales courses here

Access the entire learning course catalog here

For more information about the Surfsight Sales Learning Center, contact Ron Flynn at

Click the button below to access the Surfsight Sales Learning Center (SSLC). Scroll to locate the courses.

AnnouncementSales Enablement Announcement
Wh6T9RmsmlZoI2Pmf9v8Thu, 22 Sep 2022 14:00:00 (Ron Flynn)Four new sales courses are available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center’re excited to announce that four new sales courses are now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center: Selling to the enterprise Enterprise opportunities can be complex with many stakeholders involved. In this course, you will...We’re excited to announce that four new sales courses are now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center:

  • Selling to the enterprise

    Enterprise opportunities can be complex with many stakeholders involved. In this course, you will learn how to engage with enterprise stakeholders effectively when selling the Surfsight technology. 

  • Surfsight Geotab demo walkthrough (Order Now resellers only)

    This course will walk through the Surfsight dashcam demo for Geotab, including an overview, Geotab integration, and MV+AI.

We are offering two additional courses in Spanish.

  • Forma parte de algo grande: la historia de Lytx

    Spanish version of You’re Part of Something Big – the Lytx story

    Como distribuidor de Lytx, ¡no cabe duda de que forma parte de algo grande! En este curso descubrirá por qué Lytx es una empresa única y por qué está en el lugar y el momento idóneos vendiendo las soluciones idóneas en el mercado idóneo.

  • Visión artificial + inteligencia artificial (VA+IA)

    Spanish version of Machine vision and Artificial intelligence (MV+AI)

    La tecnología VA+IA permite a la solución Surfsight ayudar a los conductores a evitar incidentes importantes. Este curso describe el valor de VA+IA, cómo funciona, el valor del objetivo como sensor en la práctica y por qué nuestra tecnología VA+IA es un diferenciador competitivo.

New and coming courses can be found here

Access the full learning course catalog here

For more information about the Surfsight Sales Learning Center, contact your Partner Success Manager (PSM) or your Channel Account Manager.

Click the button below to access the Surfsight Sales Learning Center (SSLC). Scroll to locate the courses.

AnnouncementSales Enablement Announcement
fskSK8a49liACvJXAr25Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:04:00 (Ron Flynn)Two new sales courses are available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center!’re excited to announce that two new sales courses are now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center: You’re part of something big –the Lytx story As a Lytx reseller salesperson, you are genuinely part of something big! This course...We’re excited to announce that two new sales courses are now available in the Surfsight Sales Learning Center:

  • You’re part of something big –the Lytx story

    As a Lytx reseller salesperson, you are genuinely part of something big! This course will explore why Lytx is a unique company and why you are in the right place, at the right time, selling the right solutions in the right market!

  • Proactive Driver alerts

    It’s all about safety. In this course, you will learn how the Surfsight solution proactively alerts drivers of risky behaviors, addressing the business challenge of establishing a good safety culture.

We are also excited to offer our first two courses in Spanish.

  • Vender videotelemática (Selling video telematics)

    La videotelemática aporta un valor muy importante a sus clientes, ya que ahora pueden entender el "por qué" de los incidentes, no solo el "qué". En este curso, explicaremos la videotelemática y la oportunidad para sus clientes.

  • Venta competitive (Competitive selling)

    Este curso cubre el enfoque para posicionar mejor competitivamente la solución Surfsight, diferenciadores competitivos y preguntas de descubrimiento que llevan al prospecto a ver la solución Surfsight positivamente.

Find new and coming courses here

Access the entire learning course catalog here

For more information about the Surfsight Sales Learning Center, contact your Partner Success Manager (PSM) or your Channel Account Manager.

Click the button below to access the Surfsight Sales Learning Center (SSLC). Scroll to locate the courses.

AnnouncementSales Enablement Announcement