3.11 Firmware rollout update

We are excited to start the rollout of our exciting new 3.11 firmware package for the AI-12 dash cam! This firmware version includes new features and additional configurability to help you win with video.


DEC-JAN: The limited-release phase of the rollout started on Nov 14th and will be gradually carried out throughout the next two months. As we progress with the rollout, we will upgrade bigger batches of devices that will be randomly picked. We expect to push 3.11 as GA to all devices by January/February.

 All devices are configured to turn off any new features so as to not alter the experience of the end-user.

MID-JAN: A release webinar and training about the new features will be held towards general availability in mid-January, together with the release of all training and marketing content.

 The timing and pace are approximate and subject to change according to the deployment performance.

We value transparency and will notify you as the rollout progresses.

More information about the firmware’s new features, enhancements, and bugs we fixed can be found in the knowledge base or Developer Portal changelog.


Lytx Surfsight Team