C1/C2-2025 is out! 🚀

C1/C2-2025 is out! 🚀
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!
​Simplified Device Data Profiles
This update improves device data profile management on the Partner Portal. The confusing "None" option was removed, preventing accidental null values. Devices without a profile now show an empty value. This ensures accurate data and simplifies device management.
​Expanded Partner Portal User Capacity
The Partner Portal's user limit was increased from 100 to 250 users per partner. This expansion allows partners to grant portal access to a larger team, facilitating collaboration and streamlining workflows.
Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed:
In the Knowledge Base
In the Partner portal
This notice was delivered to Lytx partners.
For more information, speak with us here
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