E5/6 is out! 🚀

E5/6 is out! 🚀

What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!

  • New alarm webhook subscriptions are available enabling partners to receive dashcam related alarms and react accordingly.

  • ​​Add new calls for bulk and organization data usage​​ with the new ​POST /devices/bulk-data-usage​ ​ and GET /organizations/{orgId}/devices-data-usage​ API calls. These calls do not return Twilio data. For Twilio data, use the ​GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage​ call to retrieve data usage for each ​device​​.

  • A recording timeline reusable component, which enables selecting, playing, and downloading recordings from a device that is online or in standby mode.

  • And more!

Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed:

This notice was delivered to Lytx partners.

For more information, speak with us here.