E9/10 is out! 🚀

E9/10 is out! 🚀
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!
The recording timeline reusable component has new and enhanced functionality.
The Partner Portal facelift continues with the Device Alarms area, which has been updated with a fresh new look.
Due to a new more stringent validation process, when using the ​POST / virtual-event​ API call, the service will verify that the requested event date is within the organization retention period. If the date is not within this time period, an error will be returned. The error code will be 400 and the error message will be: The ​time​​ parameter is out of range according to the retention period configured for the device organization.
These changes will be released in the next release, scheduled for July 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact your Technical Account Manager.
Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed:
In the Knowledge Base
In the Developer portal changelog
In the Partner portal
This notice was delivered to Lytx partners.
For more information, speak with us here
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