Important notice: changes to the Surfsight API
January 2nd, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Three upcoming changes to the Surfisght API may impact your use of the service:
The password parameter in the recordingEncryption object returned in our GET /organizations/{orgId}/default-settings API call will be removed. Integration partners who use the password value in their code will be affected.
The period for which mobile provider data is returned in the GET /devices/{imei}/data-usage API call will be the current month instead of the last thirty days. The twilioFleet response object will be renamed mobileProvider. Additionally, some data that is currently included in the response object will be removed. The following parameters will still be included in the response:
When a user attempts to create a virtual event with the POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event API call for a dashcam to which they don’t have access, a 404 not found error will be returned regardless of the dashcam status.
These changes will be implemented in the release scheduled for April 2nd.
We understand that these changes may cause some disruption to your workflow, and we apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
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