Partner Updates

Partner Portal - Activation/deactivation function in the partner portal not working – Resolved

by Daniel Sánchez, Technical Support Agent
Code Red
We are happy to inform you that the issue “Activation/deactivation function in the partner portal not working“ has been resolved. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

⚠️ Code Red: Partner Portal - Activation / Deactivation function in partner portal not working ⚠️

by Perla Perez
Code Red
We’re experiencing a service outage with Activation / Deactivation function in partner portal. Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any inconvenience. Next Update will be in 2 hours

E7-2022 is out! 🚀

by Maya Shlayen, Technical Writer
Release Notes
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! Two new events, Entering standby and Exiting standby, are now available Fixed item: after a factory reset, the portal still retrieves the selected data profile level for the device

E6-2022 is out! 🚀

by Maya Shlayen, Technical Writer
Release Notes
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! Fleet managers can now add dashcams from a second partner to an existing organization Access all the details: for the Surfsight Portal, Partner Portal, and Developer Portal: in the

⚠️ Code Red: timeline sometimes not available in Surfsight Geotab add-in ⚠️

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical Support Agent
Code Red
We are experiencing an intermittent availability of the timeline functionality within the Surfsight Geotab add-in (the timeline is sometimes unavailable). Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any

Errors on different API calls – Surfsight API – resolved

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical Support Agent
Code Red
We are happy to inform you that the issue “Errors on different API calls“ has been resolved. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

⚠️ Code Red: timeline sometimes not available in Surfsight Geotab add-in ⚠️

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical Support Agent
Code Red
We are experiencing an intermittent availability of the timeline functionality within the Surfsight Geotab add-in (the timeline is sometimes unavailable). Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any

⚠️ Code Red: timeline sometimes not available in Surfsight Geotab add-in ⚠️

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical Support Agent
Code Red
We are experiencing an intermittent availability of the timeline functionality within the Surfsight Geotab add-in (the timeline is sometimes unavailable). Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any

E5-2022 is out! 🚀

by Rachel Gottesman, Technical Writer
Release Notes
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! a new default setting for webhook destination URLs in an organization through the API more filter and sort parameters when retrieving events through the API Access all the details: