Partner Updates

⚠️ Code Red: High Volume in API errors.⚠️

by Mauricio Niebles, TS3
Code Red
We are experiencing a service outage: High volume of API errors, Please find further details below. Impact of the service outage: We are currently experiencing a high volume of API errors. Partners impacted by the service outage: US

C10-2024 is out! 🚀

by Ben Goldfarb
Release Notes
C10-2024 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! ​Customizable MV+AI Event Triggers This enhancement of the "MV+AI config," parameters allows reseller partners to customize the number of alerts and trigger

C9-2024 is out! 🚀

by Ben Goldfarb
Release Notes
C9-2024 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! ​New Download Option Experience greater flexibility and convenience with the new download option. You can save important data, such as User ID, User Name,

Code Red reduced to Service Impact: intermittent live streaming issues still persist (US cloud only) – RESOLVED (09/10/2024, 06:00 p.m. UTC)

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical support agent
We are happy to inform you that yesterday's issues that were yet to be resolved (i.e., intermittent live-streaming issues) have been resolved. All other issues had previously been resolved. Please find further details below. Duration of
Code Red

Code Red reduced to Service Impact: Intermittent Live streaming issues still persist (The Surfsight portal does not load dashcams, Surfsight API calls return errors, are back to normal). US cloud only – UPDATED 2:05 PM PST

by Daniel Sanchez, Technical support agent
The team monitoring still shows the below items as resolved. It is not possible to stream live video. The Surfsight partner portal does not load. Some online dashcams are reporting being offline. The team continues working on an
Code Red

C7-2024 is out! 🚀

by Ben Goldfarb
Release Notes
C7-2024 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! Hotspot control: You can now remotely designate a dashcam as a hotspot. Your security posture is enhanced by controlling the enablement of a dashcam as a

RESOLVED : Code Red: Maps section in the White label portal

by Dror Tesler, Senior Support Engineer
RESOLVED: the issue with the map section of White Label portal. Impact of the service outage: Cannot access and view trips on Maps section Partners impacted by the service outage: All partners , US and EU cloud This
Code Red

⚠️ Code Red: Maps section in the White label portal ⚠️

by Dror Tesler, Senior Support Engineer
There is still a service outage in the Maps section of the White Label portal. Below are further details: Impact of the service outage: Cannot access and view trips on Maps section Partners impacted by the service outage: All
Code Red

⚠️ Code Red: Maps section in the White label portal ⚠️

by Dror Tesler, Senior Support Engineer
We are experiencing a service outage with Maps section in the White label portal. Please find further details below: Impact of the service outage: Cannot access and view trips on Maps section Partners impacted by the service outage: All
Code Red